What is the Meaning of Airplane Turbulence in a Dream?

It’s not uncommon for people to dream about flying, but what does it mean to dream of turbulence? There are many interpretations out there, so let’s take a look at the most popular ones.

The most common interpretation of turbulence in a dream is that you’re struggling with an issue or decision. Many people have said that they were on the verge of quitting their job, for example, when they had this kind of dream.

This is a clear sign that you should take your dream seriously. If you’re struggling with something in life, it’s likely to be the same thing making its way into your dreams.

But let’s look at this and other interpretations in more detail.

Struggling With a Decision or Problem

The most common interpretation is simply that you’re struggling with an issue or decision. This is usually something quite important in your life, and you’re having trouble making up your mind about it.

The reason for this is that dreams are a reflection of what’s happening in real life. We tend to dream about the same things we think or worry about in our waking hours. This means that if something important to us happens during the day, there’s a good chance we’ll dream about it.

The same is true if we’re dealing with a problem or an issue in our waking hours. If you have been thinking a lot about quitting your job, for example, then there’s a good chance that you’ll dream of being thrown off the plane while flying at night time. This may seem like an extreme analogy, but it’s one that many people have used to describe their dreams.

Turbulence is a sign that you’re struggling with an issue or decision, and this isn’t something you should ignore. If there are big changes happening in your life right now, these may make their way into your dream world as well. This doesn’t mean you’re crazy. It just means that you’re trying to deal with the same things in different ways, and this is a perfectly healthy way of coping with your problems.

Turbulence in a dream can represent indecision about any number of issues. The important thing to remember is that this dream symbolizes something in your waking life, and you should take it seriously.

However, there are many other ways of interpreting turbulence in a dream. Let’s look at some of these before we move on.

Things You Fear or Hate Because they Are Unpredictable

Another interpretation of airplane turbulence is that you’re afraid of the unknown. People often dream about turbulence when they are making a big change in their life such as moving, changing jobs or going back to school. Sometimes this is because these changes can be unpredictable and scary.

People who have never flown before may find that flying makes them anxious even though it’s statistically one of the safest ways to travel. This anxiety may find its way into their dreams as turbulence , and this can be an important sign that they’re not ready for the change just yet.

It’s common for people to dream about things they fear or hate because these symbolize something in waking life that we want to avoid at all costs. When you see symbols such as turbulence in your dream, ask yourself what you fear or hate the most right now.

Is it possible that this fear is trying to hold you back? It’s common for people not to realize how much they dislike something until they move on and their past catches up with them. If there are big changes coming up in your life, these may symbolize your fears and worries.

Feeling out of Control

Another interpretation of turbulence is feeling out of control or powerless over what happens in your dream world. It might feel like things are spiralling out of control and there isn’t anything you can do to stop it.

This is a very common dream symbol, and in some ways it’s similar to the dreaming about being chased or attacked by something dangerous. When you feel out of control in your dreams, this often represents anxiety about something in waking life that you have no influence over whatsoever.

If there are major changes coming up in your life, there’s a good chance you’ll dream about being thrown around by turbulence. This is because these changes are outside of the realm of your control and they can be very scary to deal with.

For example, if you’re thinking about quitting your job or going back to school it may feel like everything inside of you is telling you not to do it. You don’t have any control over your job or education, and this can be very scary for some people.

People Who Are Disruptive or Disturb You

Turbulence in a dream can also represent people who are disrupting you. Someone may be causing trouble, playing games with your emotions and taking up all of your time when you don’t want them to. This might feel like someone is throwing you around without any control whatsoever because this person has so much power over how you feel.

If you’ve been having problems with a family member, friend or romantic partner lately this may be showing up in your dreams as turbulence. You might feel like nothing is going the way it should and there’s no escape from this person because they have so much power over you.

Turbulence can also represent people who are just plain annoying and bothersome. If you’ve been feeling like someone is getting on your nerves lately, this might come up in a dream as turbulence.

Obstacles in Life

Another popular interpretation is that you are experiencing some sort of obstacle in your life right now. For example, if there’s bad weather where you are or if you’re on a flight that has been delayed, this may come up in your dreams as turbulence.

It’s common to dream about things which reflect the obstacles you face in real life. If there is some kind of difficulty between yourself and another person, it can often find its way into your dreams as turbulence no matter how big or small this obstacle is.

If you are struggling to get over some kind of loss or transition, turbulence can be a dream symbol that pops up from time to time as your mind tries to process what has happened. Your dreams might show the situation in different ways but it’s common for people who have just gone through major changes to see things like turbulence in their dreams.

How to Handle Turbulence in a Dream?

If you’re struggling with an issue or decision, the best thing you can do is simply take things one step at a time. This will make it much easier for you to deal with whatever comes up along the way. If things get too overwhelming, remember that you don’t have to deal with everything all at once.

The bottom line is that turbulence in a dream can mean many different things, and it’s important for you to consider your own personal circumstances before jumping ahead with an interpretation. There are hundreds of different factors which may be involved so try not to get too carried away when coming up with your interpretation.